Saturday, October 6, 2007

RuinousOmen Verses Proto-Ultima (10/06/07)

What an auspicious return to doing Limbus. The night started out with a full crew of 19 people. After much discussion (2 hours worth) we decided to tackle Proto-Ultima which was good news for the Nashira Gear Crew. Thanks to the generosity of the people in the shell and their willingess to change jobs and try new things we ventured out to the unknown (to some of us).

Attendance: Aznmahavailo, Belgarath, Cerene, Dubajaba, Eldercid, Finuve, Guivond, Kenne, Larios, Loren, Lucas, Pandoras, Puretaru, Shortie, Smoke, Toxicity, Vashstarwin, Verrick, and Xarxsis.

Highlights: Pandoras and Aznmahavailo were our PLD/NINs and tanked Proto-Ultima. Aznmahavailo got to die multiple times, I think Pandoras only died once! Toxicity was able to come as SMN for the first time (that I've seen him). And Puretaru came as his WHM goodness. Proto-Ultima had deaths, but we managed to beat him without being totally humiliated ^^

Coins: 4
Verrick: Nashira Turban
Cerene: Nashira Gages
Attendance: 19

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